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CSI*** ANIVERSSÁRIO DA SHB 2023 – 22 a 26/11

cbh-nova-redonda-300x185 CSI*** ANIVERSSÁRIO DA SHB 2023 - 22 a 26/11     fei-logo-300x185 CSI*** ANIVERSSÁRIO DA SHB 2023 - 22 a 26/11






FEI competitions



START LIST                    FINAL RESULTS

Competition N°01 – W1 – Santa Cecília – Internacional Tour Type of Competition: CSI3*-W Acc. to Article: 238.2.1a Competition description: Table A, one round against the clock Jump-off: No Speed/fixed time: 375 m/min Height of obstacles: 140 cm Number of horses per athlete: 2 Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited Prize money: 25,000.00 BRL Prizes in kind: Total prize money: 25,000.00 BRL Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 300.00 BRL Competition arena: Pista Roberto Marinho Practice arena: PISTA JOSÉ DE VERDA



START LIST                    FINAL RESULTS

Competition N°02 – W2 – BTG Pactual Type of Competition: CSI3*-W Acc. to Article: 238.2.2a Competition description: Table A, one round against the clock with one jump-off against the clock Jump-off: Yes Speed/fixed time: 375 m/min Height of obstacles: 150 cm Number of horses per athlete: 2 Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited Prize money: 50,000.00 BRL Prizes in kind: Total prize money: 50,000.00 BRL Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 600.00 BRL Competition arena: Pista Roberto Marinho Practice arena: PISTA JOSÉ DE VERDA



3RD DAY: FRIDAY Competition N°03 – W3 – Santo Antônio Type of Competition: CSI3*-W Acc. to Article: 238.2.2a Competition description: Table A, one round against the clock with one jump-off against the clock Jump-off: Yes Speed/fixed time: 375 m/min Height of obstacles: 145 cm Number of horses per athlete: 2 Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited Prize money: 40,000.00 BRL Prizes in kind: Total prize money: 40,000.00 BRL Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 400.00 BRL Competition arena: Pista Roberto Marinho Practice arena: PISTA JOSÉ DE VERDA





Competition N°04 – PRIZE VINCI PARTNERS Type of Competition: CSI3*-W Acc. to Article: 273.4.3b-W Competition description: 2 rounds Table A, 1st against the clock, 2nd against the clock, points are aggregated and time of 2nd round break the tie (Wolrd Cup) Art. + (ii)  Prize money: 362,000.00 BRL Prizes in kind: Total prize money: 362,000.00 BRL Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 2,000.00 BRL Competition arena: Pista Roberto Marinho Practice arena: PISTA JOSÉ DE VERDA 




Competition N°05 – W05 – 85o Aniversário Sociedade Hipica Brasileira Type of Competition: CSI3*-W Acc. to Article: 273.4.3b Competition description: 2 rounds Table A, 1st against the clock, 2nd against the clock, points are aggregated and time of 2nd round break the tie Art. + 


PRIMEIRO DIA: Quinta – Feira DATA 23/11/2023


Ordem de entrada 


Resultado geral


Resultado por categoria

10:00h – Prova: 01 – 1.10M x 1.30M – Aberta as categorias Amador A, Jovens Cavaleiros A e Pré Mirim:
Cronômetro – Tab. A art. 238 2.1 – Velocidade 350M / M.


Ordem de entrada     


Resultado geral

13:30h – Prova: 02 – 1.35m x 1.55m – Aberta as categorias Sênior e Junior – Desempate – Tab. A art. 238 2.2
– Velocidade 350M / M. Premiação em espécie R$ 15.000,00.


SEGUNDO DIA: Sexta – Feira DATA 24/11/2023


Resultado TEMPO IDEAL 




08:30h – Prova: 03 – 1.00M x 1.20M – Aberta as categorias Amador B Cronômetro – Tab. A art. 238 2.1 –
Velocidade 350M / M. Jovens Cavaleiros B e Mini mirim – 1 Passagem com faixa de tempo e tempo ideal –
Tab. A art. – Velocidade 350M/M



11:00h – Prova: 04 – 1.20M x 1.50M – Aberta as categorias Amador, Jovens Cavaleiros e Mirim– Cronômetro –
Tab. A art. 238 2.1 – Velocidade 350M / M.



14:30h – Prova: 05 – 1.30M x 1.50M – Aberta as categorias Amador Top, Jovens Cavaleiros Top, Pré Junior e
Sênior– Desempate – Tab. A art. 238 2.2 – Velocidade 350M / M.- Premiação em Espécie: R$ 5.000,00

TERCEIRO DIA: Sábado DATA 25/11/2023


Resultado TEMPO IDEAL 




09:30h – Prova: 06 – 1.00M x 1.20M – Aberta as categorias Amador B: Desempate – Tab. A art. 238 2.2 –
Velocidade 350M / M. Jovens Cavaleiros B e Mini Mirim – Faixa de tempo com desempate ao tempo ideal –
Tab. A art. – Velocidade 350M/M



12:30h – Prova: 07 – 1.10M x 1.30M – Aberta as categorias Amador A, Jovens Cavaleiros A e Pré Mirim –
Desempate – Tab. A art. 238 2.2 – Velocidade 350M / M.



15:30h – Prova: 08 – COPA OURO – 1.35m x 1.50m – Aberta as categorias Sênior e Junior – Desempate – Tab.
A art. 238.2.2 – Velocidade 350M /M. – Premiação em Espécie: R$ 50.000,00 – Troféu Rodolpho Mello

QUARTO DIA: Domingo DATA 26/11/2023



08:30h – Prova: 09 – 1.20M x 1.50M – Aberta as categorias Amador, Jovens Cavaleiros e Mirim – Desempate
– Tab. A art. 238 2.2 – Velocidade 350M / M




11:00h – Prova: 10 – 1.30M x 1.50M – Aberta as categorias Amador Top, Jovens Cavaleiros Top, Pré Junior, e
Sênior – Cronômetro – Tab. A art. 238 2.1 – Velocidade 350M / M.- Premiação em Espécie: R$ 5.000,00



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